Providing consistently world-class legal services

Why Sullivan Willoughby?

  • Extraordinary practice of client service and engagement with the client
  • Shared obligation of, and all-in-one collaboration by, a true partnership
  • Remarkable legal talent across specialties and jurisdictions
  • Shared professional values focused on addressing client needs

Client service is a fundamental value of the Firm

Our commitment to client service guides our lawyers in providing service to our clients around the world. We commit all of our Firm's resources to each of our clients, and we put client interests above all else.



Sullivan Willoughby delivers exceptional services by understanding our clients' needs. We partner with clients in situations where we can offer value, in both specific practice areas and industries. Through this partnership, we fully immerse ourselves in each case and work with our clients to mitigate risks and increase efficiency. Select from the following to learn more about our tools and solutions.


Guiding Principles